Evangelizing, Equipping and Empowering

First and foremost, we focus on evangelizing to the Lost of Southeast Asia and China by telling people the Good News! Since 1997, we are super blessed to be able to reach people in areas where many people can’t get to because of persecutions, treacherous travel, war, or other reasons. Praise God, His Kingdom is growing, and we are extremely joyful to be a part of His great plan.

Second, we are equipping native Christian leaders from different ethnic backgrounds with the tools and knowledge for them to be able to better minister to their local congregations. Focusing on the needs of the locals, we opened up a Master level course to teach the Bible, focusing on exegesis, so that leaders from these various countries could come and study. Instead of 1 person going to study Bible in America, we could potentially train up to 10 local leaders, at a time. Many of these leaders will be equipped to evangelize and minister to the people in their respective villages. At times, we travel to their villages and teach in a conference, seminar setting. We also teach Christians through an audio application on the phone to people in remote areas of China. One of these groups, listening to teachings on their phones, contains over 500 people! On top of this, Stephen has gathered his notes from his studies in America and have been working on translating them into the Lisu language so that the Lisu leaders would have a (commentary) study tool to help them learn the Bible on a deeper level!

Third, we are empowering local leaders in their ministries. We encourage and keep strong friendships that continues because we all do ministry together, in one sense. We pray and send them out to their mission field and, at times, we visit their ministries. In some areas, we have been able to help them develop their community so that their congregation and community grows Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically. We believe that people are more than just spiritual beings because they also need to eat and survive. So, our ministry is very Wholistic in nature, as we try to focus on all the aspects of growth. An example of this is our most recent initiative is teaching and encouraging locals to grow coffee as a sustainable crop. Some of these farmers will have to give up drug producing crops (such as 0pium) in order to grow replacement crops such as coffee. When these communities are able to make money, the church and their members will be able to support their own ministries and their Kingdom workers! If God is willing, you may be able to get some Coffee from villagers we work with in the near future!!!

** Recently, we have reached the most restrictive countries in Southeast Asia to the East of us. Many people in this country (name of country withheld for security reasons) are coming to Christ and are baptized, weekly! Praise God! Please pray for our missions and also consider partnering with us as we further His Kingdom.

If you would like more details on what we do, feel free to email us at asiansforchrist@outlook.com
