

Stephen is Lisu. His journey began in a small Lisu village. You see, Stephen's father was the leader of that remote animistic Lisu village in Northern Thailand where the name of Jesus was never even once heard. One day, God came and spoke to his father and, from then on, delivered their family from the grasps of Satan. His family was one of the first Lisu families in Thailand to convert to Christ. Praise God! Through persecutions and challenges, Stephen went into ministry and began to spread the Word. He married his wife, Mary; they have 4 kids: Becky, Nick, John, and Isaac. Stephen finished his Biblical education in the States through the support and love of Church families and friends in America. Currently, Stephen has  been doing Missions for over 30 years, targeting the Lisu people group in Southeast Asia and China. By the blessings of our God, his team has converted and baptized over 5000 people (Lisu among other groups of people) in the past 7 years. 



Nick is Stephen's eldest son. Living most of his life in America, Nick felt God's call to work with his people in Southeast Asia and China. Currently, he has been implementing Youth Ministry programs in areas of Myanmar where Youth Ministry was unheard of. Praise the Lord! Many churches in Myanmar and Thailand now see the importance of ministries for the youth. On top of this, Nick is working on development for many villages that struggle to make a living through Coffee! Many of his friends are coffee experts and have taught and supported him in his partnership with coffee farmers. Many of these areas used to grow opium as their cash crop, so this change in the villagers’ lifestyles is challenging. Please pray for his growth and for God to guide him through challenges on the front lines!