
It started with a whisper and now its a roar...

Hi my name is Stephen. I am a part of Asians for Christ telling hundreds of thousands of people about Jesus in Southeast Asia and China. It all started when my father heard a whisper from God about Jesus. He began to pursue this "Jesus" and after searching he finally found Him through miraculous events. Now, with a great team, we have a platform to tell millions of Asians about Jesus all because of a whisper but with your help we will turn this whisper into a roar. Praise the Lord! Subscribe below to our email updates to join us on our journey or check out our journal linked at the bottom. 

Here is a story of Stephen’s conversation, how Jesus delivered Stephen’s family and where all this Kingdom works began.

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Current Projects 

These are some of our main focuses. Click the buttons below to learn more!


Pray for Lisu

Follow our updates and show us some support through our Facebook page!


Kingdom Works

If you truly want to learn more about what we are up to then you'll want to browse through our blog. You can click the button below or subscribe at the bottom of the web page. 

(Our new blog posts are available once every two months)


Our Focus

Did you know that we are allowed to teach, even in China, using the Bible? Or, that we have now reached one of the most restrictive countries in Southeast Asia? Yes! Praise God for giving us these opportunities. Click the button below to read more about it. 

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Support our work Monthly

Becoming a monthly supporter is the most important thing that you can do today. That’s right! When everyone comes together with what they have in abundance each month, it can be a game changer. Giving even 5$-25$ a month makes great impact for His Kingdom.

*Note: The link for giving shows an address in Idaho because our missions is registered in the States. Donations are tax-deductible.